Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tugas Kelompok 3 : " Passive Voice "


Passive voice is a grammatical construction (grammatical form) where the subject in the sentence (sentence) or clause (clause) does not take action, but rather accept the action or follow-up (receiver of action) by the other agent (DOER of action) either mentioned or not.
Some ways to make passive sentences:
Sentences must have an object.
Laying the object becomes the subject of an active sentence passive voice.
Laying the subject of an active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence.
Laid by before the object.
Using the verb (verb) The third form (V-3) ​​as to be (is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being)
Only the verbal phrase that can be used in the passive voice.
Following her tense.
Function or description the same time in the passive voice to active voice


 Positif             : Subjek + is/am/are + past participle/V3
Negatif            : Subjek + is/am/are + Not + Past Participle
Question          : is/am/are + Subjek + Past Participle
Example :
Aktif                                                               Pasif
They borrow the book.                                    The book is borrowed by them.
They don't borrow the book.                          The book is not borrowed by them.
Do they borrow the book?                              Is the book borrowed by them?
She repairs this blue car.                                 This blue car is repaired by her.
She does not repair this blue car.                    This blue car is not repaired by her.
Does she repair this blue car?                          Is the blue car  repaired by her?


Formula :
( + ) S + Was/Were + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + Was/Were + Not + V-3 + By + O
( ? ) Was/Were + S + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                               Pasif                                                                           
John bit Mary                                                  Mary was bitten by John

John didn’t bite Mary                                     Mary wasn’t bitten by John

Did John bite Mary?                                       Was Mary bitten by John?
What did John do?                                         What was done by John?

Who bit Mary?                                                Who was Mary bitten by?

Who did John bite?                                         Who was bitten by John?


Formula :
( + ) S + To Be ( is, am, are ) + Being + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + To Be ( is, am, are ) + Not + Being + V-3 + By + O
( ? ) To Be ( is, am, are ) + S + Being + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                                           Pasif
She is reading the English book.                                 The book is being read by her.
She is not reading the English book.              The book is being read by her.
Is she reading the English book?                    The book is not being read by her.
They are sending the letters.                           The letters are being sent by them.
They are  not sending the letters.                    The letters are not being sent by them.
Are they sending the letters?                          Are the letters being sent by them?


Formula :
(+) S + be(was/were) + V1-ing/present participle
(-) S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present participle
(?)be(was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?       
Aktif                                                                           Pasif
John was biting Mary                                                  Mary was being bitten by John

John wasn’t biting Mary                                             Mary wasn’t being bitten by John

Was John biting Mary?                                               Was Mary being bitten by John?

What was John doing?                                                What was being done by John?

Who was biting Mary?                                                Who was Mary being bitten by?

Who was John biting?                                                 Who was being bitten by John?


Formula :
( + ) S + Have/Has + Been + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + Have/Has + Not + Been + V-3 + By + O
( ? ) Have/Has + S + Been + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                                           Pasif
John has bitten Mary                                                   Mary has been bitten by John

John hasn’t bitten Mary                                              Mary hasn’t been bitten by John

Has John bitten Mary?                                                Has Mary been bitten by John?

What has John done?                                                  What has been done by John?

Who has bitten Mary?                                                 Who has Mary been bitten by?

Who has John bitten?                                                  Who has been bitten by John?

Formula :
( + ) S + Had + Been + V-3 + By + O
( - )  S + Had + Not + Been + V-3 + O
( ? ) Had + S + Been + V-3 + By + O ?
Example :
Aktif                                                                           Pasif

John had bitten Mary                                                  Mary had been bitten by John

John hadn’t bitten Mary                                             Mary hadn’t been bitten by John

Had John bitten Mary?                                               Had Mary been bitten by John?

What had John done?                                                 What had been done by John?

Who had bitten Mary?                                                Who had Mary been bitten by?

Who had John bitten?                                                 Who had been bitten by John?

Tulisan : "Manfaat Bahasa Inggris bagi Fakultas Ekonomi""

" The benefits of learning English for economics faculty "

       For students of economic faculties needed to speak English very well and correctly. in an economics faculty there are many English language that is sometimes difficult to understand, there are several benefits of learning English for economics faculty. one of the first steps toward courage in communicating in English.

The benefits of learning English for economics faculty :
  1. improve learning life skills in the field of English
  2. Students invited had an active role in the field of language english
  3. improve both insight and exchange ideas in the field of English language education, economic and other fields.
  4. students can work on assignments economy if there is a english is hard to understand.

Terjemahan :
      Untuk mahasiswa fakultas ekonomi sangat dibutuhkan berbahasa inggris yang baik dan benar. Didalam suatu fakultas ekonomi banyak terdapat bahasa inggris yang terkadang sulit untuk dimengerti, ada beberapa manfaat belajar bahasa inggris bagi fakultas ekonomi. salah satu langkah awal menuju keberanian dalam berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. 

Manfaat belajar bahasa Inggris untuk fakultas ekonomi :
  1. meningkatkan Pembelajaran keterampilan hidup di bidang Bahasa Inggris
  2. mengajak Mahasiswa punya peran aktif dalam bidang bahasa inggris
  3. meningkatkan wawasan dan pertukar pikiran baik dalam bidang bahasa inggris, ekonomi maupun bidang pendidikan lainnya
  4. mahasiswa dapat mengerjakan tugas ekonomi jika terdapat suatu bahasa inggris yang sulit untuk dimengerti.

Sumber : wikipedia/ internet